It's been a few weeks since my last and my progress hasn't been great :-), I got side tracked by my Xbox and a certain Lego Star Wars game....
Well as you can see I've made my Land Raider more "Spikey", and Ive added some accessories from the Dark Angels, namely a couple of Books and Incense burners plus some skulls on spikes from the Chaos Warriors. I think these really help to capture the feel of the Word Bearers as Religious Zealot CSM's. All the spikes at the back of the Land Raider have been pinned but not glued to the hull, in keeping with all the other top mounted accessories being removable for storage and transport. It took me days and days of blu taking bits and pieces all over the place until I could find a configuration that worked best for me, but I'm really happy with the way it has turned out!! The only bit I wish I had done was to magnetize the sponsons , I've gone to a bit of trouble with the interior only for it to not often see the light of day, whereas if I'd magnetized them I could remove them and open up the side panels, maybe next time... (Yes Nathan I should have listened to you!!)

While I was pondering what to do with the Land Raider I busted out some plastic Terminators, these were really fun to clean up and assemble, the mold lines were few and every thing fit well together!! The hardest part about making these guys was that I wanted to magnetize all the arms and weapon options. I used 3mm magnets for these as there's a reasonable amount of plastic on there once you get the weapon and shoulder pad mounted. Drilling the 1mm pilot holes was nice and easy, but drilling the 3mm was a pain as the drill bit kept sticking in the plastic, or ripping off line (mostly it was a combination of the two...). I was using a hand vice as i don't trust a dremel not too melt the plastic. Has any one else used an electric drill with success on plastics? Once I'd drilled the holes out I had to bulk them up slightly with some Green Stuff as the torso's of the Terminators are hollow, after filling the hole with the Green stuff I put some Vaseline on the magnet and sunk it into the green stuff to make it level with the plastic. During drying though all of these must of gotten air pockets in them as the next day when I re inserted the magnet to test that every thing fit the magnet was no longer sitting flush with the plastic :-( So with some more messing about I sorted it out...

The other problem I had was a distinct lack of enough shoulder pads for all the weapons options, (5 shoulder pads and 7 weapon options, you do the math...) There are some place's on line that sell bits, but they are nearly always out of stock or too far away (if anyone can recommend one please send me a link), so I decide to reproduce some from resin, setting up the moulds is a challenge that's for sure!!. This sort of worked out (mostly), but little details didn't re produce well or at all, so my limited Green stuffing ability was called into play. As they say "Good from a far, but far from good", they do the job...barely...

The basing was quite fun to do also, I used some small slate that GW have in their basing kits, plus various bits and pieces from the Space Marines, Imperial Guard and new plastic Skeletons ranges. I've undercoated everything now and I'm almost ready to paint, I say almost as It's been quite a few years since I've painted this colour scheme and the pre mixes I'd made all those years ago needed some rescuing. I think I'm going to paint a test model (or two) before i get to the main event!

Well that's enough from me, Happy Modelling!!
i love the magnet ideas for the raider and the arms.